Nemo gave a slight laugh in response to Raiya's reaction before she left to the kitchen. [color=c0c0c0]"Peachy as ever."[/color] [color=c0c0c0]"Ah yes, the Alps. Beautiful, are they not? I once spent a whole night at the summit of Mont Blanc, truly a breathtaking view. I've always felt home in the cold, so the climate didn't bother me none. In fact, it only enhanced the experience for me."[/color] Nemo explained. [color=c0c0c0] "We have some things in common, you and I. The church certainly never held a very good opinion of me either. Abomination is a title I know quite well. However sometimes I feel that I can't blame them for thinking that way. I haven't done much to dispel their accusations. They hunt me, I hunt them, who will be left standing in the end? I'm not sure. But I like to keep it simple."[/color] [color=c0c0c0]"However I doubt the persecution you've felt from the church will end with the church. Witchhunters are always a rather judgmental bunch, the Cult will always be a stick up somebody's rear end for some reason. The world we inhabit is filled to the brim with characters just waiting for a conflict. It's why we both are where we are right now."[/color] Nemo said, keeping a rather upbeat attitude through his ramblings. [color=c0c0c0]"I'm curious, have you even been in a fight before? Have you taken a life Ava Kurier? Do you carry a weapon?"[/color] He asked.