Alright, here's my shot at a hobbit. Got longer than I planned, but meh. [hider=May Littlefoot] [b]Name:[/b] May Littlefoot [b]Age, Gender, Race:[/b] 33, Female, Hobbit [b]Appearance:[/b] Short, even by Hobbit standards, May stands at a proud 2 foot 11 & 3/4 inches, possessing a light, slight build that serves to make her seem even more diminutive. If not held back by her headband, long and furiously curly dirty blonde hair obscures a face with fine features, big hazel eyes and particularly long, pointed ears. She usually wears a pale yellow knee high skirt with brown leggings that reach the top of her calves, along with a loose longsleeved white tunic over which is worn a maroon buttoned up sleeveless vest. Unless it's a notably hot day it's rare to catch her without her thick, oversized dark green coat on too, worn open. The outfit is tied together with a worn yellow neck scarf. A thick tuft of curly blonde hair can be found atop little bare feet, as Hobbits will. Always being where she shouldn't tends to lend her an untidy appearance, with much of her clothing sporting a patch or two and her face often marred with dust or dirt. [b]Equipment:[/b] A small knife, a walking stick that reaches the top of her head, a simple but well-crafted quill, an over-sized yet fantastic dark brown leather hood and a large iron bracelet that serves as a perfectly sized headband for her, though she seldom wears it and prefers to have it dangling from her belt. Along with her jacket these are her prized possessions which she carries everywhere with her, given to her by travelers she has met over the years. A lot of this is carried in an old leather backpack that has been repaired and patched to within an inch of it's life. Additionally she owns a large book with many blank pages, a small array of lock picks, a simple sewing kit, whatever food and drink she grabbed that morning and spare clothes for emergency's. [b]Personality:[/b] May is an endearingly friendly, effervescent young hobbit who loves making friends and is quick to trust. Along with this comes a poor combination of starry-eyed naivety and abundant curiousity. She's candid, serious about making promises and genuinely enjoys helping people, particularly strangers and travellers, if only to find learn from them and hear more tales of the world, of elves, of evil, of treasure, of heroes; places that aren't Bree. The town walls can barely contain her and, most un-hobbit like, she can often be found returning late from a day long wander outside the walls of the settlement, despite constantly being warned of orcs and villains and evil and plenty other bad things lurking out there in the world. That isn't to say she doesn't learn from her mistakes, but advice doesn't always necessarily go to heart. May is definitely quite brave in her own way, not that her bravery has ever truly been tested. [b]Story:[/b] May wants to be a bold explorer, to see and feel and touch and draw and write about [b]everything[/b] that Middle-earth, heck, all that Arda has to offer. She wants to meet new and interesting people and dreams of talking to an elf someday. Lastly, she wishes to be a part of a grand story of her own, just like in some of the tales she's heard and read. Collecting some personal treasures along the way is a bonus! [b]Biography:[/b] Though she's not too sure about it all, the story goes that her mother stumbled into Bree one day on her own and heavily pregnant, seemingly unwell and incoherent. The mother of a family of hobbits took her in and May was promptly born. Her mother passed away but a few days afterwards, succumbing in her weakness to whatever illness she had arrived with. Without any family to speak of a decision was quickly made. May was adopted by her new mother, father and three elder brothers and given her name, for would any hobbit turn away a orphan and be called a bad host? Growing up May spent almost all of her spare time out and about, exploring the town and meeting people, whether it be at a market stall or in a tavern. All kinds of interesting folk pass through Bree. But no elves, not yet. As she got older she started venturing outside the front gates to explore the countryside, sometimes with a human friend or two, but usually alone. No nook was secure, no cranny safe. This un-hobbit like conduct led to many a long family talk filled with the firm advice to "Be more Hobbit May Littlefoot", but nothing really ever changed her adventurous attitude. Having just come of age, wanderlust has all but claimed the young halfing. Her foster mother tearily protested and foster father advised against it as she discussed her plan to set off into Middle-earth and make a name for herself as, essentially, a famous explorer. Despite contrary advice, her mind was made up, and they eventually gave her their blessing. They realised that, quite frankly, it had always been inevitable. And so May's journey began in front of three visiting caravans. An eeny meeny miny moe and one rejection later saw her leave at dawn the next day, waving to her family from the back of the caravan until they slowly fell of sight. She didn't even ask where they were going. [/hider]