[B]Minerva[/B] -- [i]Incognito[/i] Grimly, Minerva internally grimaced over the fact that she would have to bear a disguise. Yet she understood the necessity of it, the reason they had to remain hidden. Though while Monica offered a small wardrobe's worth of clothes, the first thing that happened was a conjuring. One which brought about a Valkyrie to stand face to face with the Alexandrian Knight. With a sigh of resignation, she spoke simply. [I]"Hildr, my dear."[/i] She began with a regal tone in her voice. [I]"It seems as if we must hide within plain sight. Keep them safe with you, until I need them. Okay?"[/i] Silently nodding, the heavenly Valkyrie raised a hand towards Minerva, and with a brief flicker, there was a change. The armor she still wore, the swords and shield she always bore had thin lines of light trace across them. Then, and only then, they seemed to break apart into thin wisps of light. Each flickering and shimmering as they dissipated into thin air. For now, it would seem as of the Knight were completely unarmed. Drifting over to the potions and disguises, her fingertips traced absentmindedly over the selection until there was a color she liked. Plucking up the bottle, she popped off the cork and lofted it over her head. In a liquidly smooth transition, the chestnut brown locks she held seemed to unfurl into a fiery red. Digging for some eye liner, she drew up a nearby dressing room mirror closer to her, and meticulously got to work. Then taking a deep crimson lipstick, the extraordinary color would be applied lightly. Examining herself in the mirror, she found the change to he satisfactory, albeit a sharp difference from her regular appearance. Quirking a brow at Garnet, she then proceeded to move over towards the miniature wardrobe. After digging around momentarily, the Knight extracted a deep emerald sun dress. Dipping behind a screen to change her clothes, the regal noble's garb was tossed over one side nonchalantly as she went about her work. However, once it was done, a striking girl, a far cry from the hardened knight she had once been stepped barefoot from behind the screen for the others to see. [I]"Well?"[/i] she inquired softly, [i]"Is this a sharp enough of a difference? I feel it is satisfactory."[/i] Pausing, she glanced over to where Cassius was speaking. [I]"Also, if you don't know how to use a sword. I will teach you. You will learn, for her highness' life is just as much your responsibility as it is mine. Get used to it, for it will only get more dangerous from here."[/i]