[center][b]THE NEXT MORNING[/B][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmUxYjkxOS5VMkZ0ZFdWc0lFdGxZWFJ6LjAA/black-is-not-a-color.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/135f62e5753b5d6a9c037d1df0f28772/tumblr_inline_o9fykjHAsH1r8cpzt_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Running track [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] No-one [/center] [hr] [color=#ff1458]“I can tell you this: You should get new friends, if you can call them that. I have seen Gianna’s fall, and with her, the rest of her pawns."[/color] Keats wasn't sure how long he'd been running around the track, but it had definitely been a while. Call it dedication or some other bullshit feel-good term if you wanted, but it was more of an attempt at self-destruction, anger swirling through him ever since he woke up. There were a lot of things going on, and he wasn't sure about any of them. All he knew was that he'd been going for long enough and fast enough that it was starting to hurt. That familiar burn in his muscles as he kept on running. That was good. What he was looking for. Yeah, he deserved that. Deserved a hell of a lot more than that, with the thoughts that just kept circling and circling around his head. Thoughts that told him to leave everyone behind, to just stop trying to watch their backs. Be his own man - what kind of disloyal backstabbing bullshit was that? He chose to stick with them, with Luke. He chose to take on each and every one of those Mayweathers. He chose it. It was always his decision, he was already his own man. They'd stick by him, he could trust them. [color=#ff1458]"They will not help you. They will not save you from what is to come. Don’t be collateral damage; find your own way out of the chaos.”[/color] Despite what he told himself, he couldn't help but dwell on it. Keats found himself distracted, not really paying attention to where he was running at all. Losing his footing, he went over his ankle, twisting it and falling to the ground. What was wrong with him lately? He hadn't been himself. He knew what had brought this on today - stupid freaky girl and her talk about seeing the future, but it had been going on for more than that. His ankle throbbed - normally he'd go get it healed, but today he needed it there. Needed something real, something he understood. Besides, maybe he really did deserve this. This wasn't what he was meant to be. Who he was meant to be. He was a successor to the family name. The [i]only[/i] successor, now. Had to be a villain, and a damn good one, or he was letting them all down. Not like that was anything new. For all his training, all his bluster, Keats was never able to match up. Always second place. So why was he even bothering? Maybe he just wasn't cut out to be a villain - no. That couldn't be it, he wouldn't [i]let[/i] that be it. Couldn't let that be it. Nah, he had to be strong enough, there wasn't another option. He stood back up, fabric wrapping tightly around his ankle, enough to support it but not enough to stop the jolt of pain every step he took. A reminder to himself to stop being such a coward about everything, he guessed. He checked the time. That was right, he had a meeting, didn't he? With a sigh, he walked back towards the building, head held high and walking strong, not showing any reaction to the pain as he entered. It was bad enough dealing with his own thoughts, but Keats wasn't about to let anyone else see him looking weak. Besides, maybe she'd just been messing with him. Maybe none of what she'd said was true. If it was though... [color=#ff1458]"Sometimes its fun knowing what others don't. Other times... I'm not so sure."[/color] He smiled bitterly to himself as he walked across campus. He had a lot of questions, and no real answers to any of them. Maybe Lyla really knew something he didn't, or maybe she was just a crazy bitch looking to fuck with his head. He couldn't exactly ask her about it. Had a feeling she wasn't lying when she said he wouldn't see her again, if nothing else. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=salmon][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmVmOGQ4MC5RVzE1SUZOMFpYWmxibk52YmcsLC4w/cabriolet.regular.png[/img][/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr] [center][img]https://d.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1437501185ra/15590850.gif[/img][/center] [center][b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dorm room [u][b]Interacting With:[/b][/u] No-one [/center] [hr] [color=salmon]Ah, shit.[/color] Amy squinted up at the ceiling, getting the feeling that she'd maybe had a little too much to drink. The night was... Blurry, at least for most of the time she'd spent inside the club. She could remember coming in, the first little while of the night, then... Well, not too much. [color=salmon]Let's see... Vague feelings of regret? Does that count as remembering?[/color] Judging by past experiences, she'd have found some way to mess up. How badly - or not badly - was a mystery to her. [color=salmon]Yay for good decisions. Go me.[/color] Come to think of it, she definitely remembered making someone a little angry. Judging by the lack of any kind of injury, at least she figured she hadn't been stupid enough to escalate any kind of fight in the middle of Delirium, which was mildly comforting. No super-powered thugs were going to come and break her limbs without warning or anything like that, so it could probably be worse. Time to get up and face the day. With a sigh, she sat up. Somehow, this seemed like it might be a pretty long morning. Well, maybe she could think of it as a learning experience? Just as the thought crossed her mind, the alarm on her phone decided it was the perfect moment to ring. Loudly. With a groan, she scrambled to switch it off as quickly as she could. So much for positive thinking. Nope. Never mind. She could do without this particular learning experience, thank you very much. What she could do with was a few more hours of sleep - or more accurately a few more hours staring at the ceiling without any more loud noises. Did she have classes today? Did she care if she had classes today? Skipping stuff probably wasn't the best idea, though. And it wasn't like she was capable of causing too much destruction anyway, and something important could always come up... [color=salmon]Looks like I do care. Should probably get out of bed now.[/color] Besides, she wasn't the most distinctive person anyway. As long as she kept her head down like normal, any and all potentially pissed-off people that could shoot magic beams out of their backsides probably wouldn't cause any trouble. It seemed like a sensible option anyway - both for herself and anyone else in the general area. Also whoever had to clean up the school after people got obliterated. That job would probably suck. Anyway, there was stuff she had to do. Nothing too flashy until she decided to get started, though. Of course she could technically do whatever she wanted or needed to, so long as she could make sure no-one figured her out. Flying under the radar was the only way she'd be able to work anything out around here - being an outsider to the whole mess. Not that she could really work things out on her own, but it was hard to think of anyone that'd help her out. Seemed like most people were already associated with either side in the great Mayweather vs Delphina shitstorm of 2016 - which kind of ruled them out. As she started to get dressed, Amy figured she might as well spend some time thinking about it during the day. [color=salmon]Not like there's anything better to do, is there?[/color]