Cecil eyed Lady Nightmare. Was that sexual? [i]Probably[/i] not. It was creepy, and it was disconcerting. He would have to find out what her deal was. She was some kind of meta, or maybe something mystical. To distract himself(as he stepped casually around his storage bin to get a little bit further away from her) he powered his phone up and started making a few taps on it. "So, hey." he addressed Waller now, but every once in a while his eyes flicked back the nightmare lady, or down to his phone. "Do we have access to their notes? I'd like to know a few things that might help figure out what's happened." He had a few guesses, but he wouldn't say anything with how little knowledge he had confirmed. "If you like, you can download any pertinent files to my phone," he held it up to offer it for any of the guards to take.