[h1][color=0072bc]Mitze Sloane[/color] and [color=ed1c24]Amelia Rashfree[/color][/h1] [hr] [h2] Interactions: Ebony [@mskennedy615] [/h2] [hr] Mitzie walked to her desk before hearing her group, rolling her eyes as she knew no one before getting a piece of paper out and a pen. She wished she was in the group with one girl. She pretended to be straight but she was actually pansexual and she leaned towards girls but she felt like the girl she loved would like someone else as she wondered what to write for her first note. She obviously was not going to sign her name but probably the letter M. She knew Amelia could keep a secret so she would give it to her to give to the girl she was crushing on right now. [i]Ebony This is my first note to you but I have a feeling it won't be my last. I like you and that is the truth, it may be just a crush right now but I don't think it will be a crush for too long. Your hair is beautiful by the way. I will never sign these with my name but you will just have to find out who I am if you want to know. -M[/i] She passed it over to Amelia because she was so scared of giving it to her herself so Amelia was friends with her so it would be better. Amelia got the note and walked over to Ebony. [color=ed1c24]"I have a note for you, I can't tell you who it is from"[/color] Amelia giggled to Ebony and passed her the note before walking over to her group.