The owner of the voice stepped out from the room to the left, speaking as she looked in his direction. She looked just as any other live human did lately -- worn out, exhausted. There were bags under her eyes that Nicholas was sure matched his own. Her hair was frazzled, and she was gripping the crowbar in her hands as tightly as he was gripping his shovel. "Fine," she said. "Eh, I don't really have any supplies. Just a crowbar, water, some tallow, and a little hardtack. I'm keeping this though," she held determined eye contact with him as she brandished the crowbar. He looked away. "Sure. I'm not gonna strip you of your weapons or food. I just figured it'd be smarter to travel with more people. It's just me and my sister, like I said. She's ten. Eleven? Er...sorry, I don't even know how old my own sister is, but it's not important right now, I guess. Nothing is except food and water. Anyway, uh...yeah. I'm Nick." Nicholas looked at her again, removing one hand from the shovel to offer it to her.