The city of Nanking, boasting a population of a quarter million people, was the fruition of three thousand years of centralized power in the demon Kingdom. Brick pavers lined the rows of apartments and shops, leading towards the Palace. Like a looming giant the walls of the palace could be seen from anywhere in the city, their alabaster walls framing the square property. The bustling city seemed to fall silent as the population cleared a path for the procession. The humans stared alternatingly between the Orcs and the human dressed in the clothes of Orcs. The accusing looks of betrayal followed the man all the way until they passed through the gates of the palace. As if in contest with the prosperous city around it, the palace was painstakingly decorated and landscaped in the minimalist opulence that was in fashion under the demonic rule. It was in one of these small gardens that the crown prince stood, looking over a koi pond with a tranquil expression. The contrast between the two leaders could not have been any more plain. Prince Ling, tranquil and calm, was garbed in fine silk robes and his every move strictly controlled. Surrounded by the perfectly manicured garden he made a perfect display of the strict order that was Xianese society. Ling regarded the posse calmly, only turning his head slightly to observe them with his unreadable face. Observing the troll who stood out from his background. The soldiers dropped to their knees in a steep bow, their leader giving the formal introductions needed for the meeting to begin.