[@Kelewen][@Blox][@bloonewb][@Polybius][@MayLily915][@Marcus XVI][@Kiss Of Night] Brock wasn't convinced when 'Marius' told him that he wasn't careless. It was pretty simple to Brock, if you were walking around breaking everything under your foot, then you had to be careless. He shook his head at the bandaged man. When he mentioned that he was the second best swords man of like half the world, Brock scoffed. As he openly laughed at 'marius,' "If you are the second best swordsman, than swordsman must be more amateur than I thought." He didn't want to tell the man that he was a swordsman himself. As he didn't have much respect for this guy. A whole bunch of things happened but Brock first turned to notice the old man from before that he was supposed to meet. He noticed the fellow was under attack. As brock approached him he abruptly reappeared somewhere else and had no clothes on. "C'mon, ya geezer, you didn't have to strip here, this isn't your bedchambers..." He stared at the naked man with a frown. He then heard someone demand loudly that he Cease and Desist. Like this was a palace courtyard and two peasants were fighting and the King himself was going to have none of it. Brock stuck out his tongue at the wood elf ranger, "I don't fall under your command, Elf."