I am tired of making rps and then having no one join. Because you see I am MAJORLY OCD : I put up pictures, colored text, make it all pretty and shiny. To spend that much time and effort on an rp to have no one join is very frustrating. So here is a list of current ideas for roleplays that I have. Before I take the time to craft a thread for them I want to be sure people will show definite interest and JOIN (I have had it happen in the past - people express interest and then do not join) [center]List: [color=ed1c24]1. Blood Music[/color] A horror/supernatural/romance rp centered around a female vampire rock band ~~~ [color=8dc73f]2. Soul Circus[/color] [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/154063-soul-circus/ooc[/url] A horror rp centered around a circus full of demons and crazed killers who trap and consume the souls of their patrons ~~~ [color=fff200]3. Masquerade[/color] A supernatural/romance rp centered around a kingdom where one night a year a masquerade is held where royalty, nobles and peasants alike mingle, free to fall in love and marry whomever they wish, but certain rules apply... ~~~ [color=6ecff6]4. Into the Blue[/color] A modern/romance rp based around an animal rescue and nature preserve on an island in the Caribbean Sea. ~~~ [color=bc8dbf]5. Survival Island[/color] People agree to be human guinea pigs in an experiment gone wrong. Now they are trapped on an island outside of reality where dinosaurs, zombies, creatures, monsters and mutants roam. [/center] I will add/remove from this list as more ideas come to me so keep checking back. And remember to comment which rp you would join!