[center][h1][color=blue]EJ Porter[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [Center] Location: Homeroom Interactions: Ebony(Brown Sugar)[@mskennedy615], Poetry(Flower)[@LovelyAnastasia], Lily[@smarty0114], Quinten[@A Tattooed Girl] [/Center] [hr] From the bright response he received from Poetry, it was as if the dark clouds cleared and the sun started shining down once again. That brought a smile upon Ezera's face noticing one of his partners and you could say, friend, showing the side he was used to seeing, show back up again. Hearing Ebony respond, Ezera turned back around to answer her. "Well I have Flower...Poetry, everyone calls her and others that I don't know but I guess I'll have to get well acquainted with them soon enough..." He responded smiling back at this beautiful cinnamon and maple. The moment someone else caught her attention, Ezera felt it was time to go ahead and let her be so to get to know his group. He noticed something from the corner of his eye as Poetry brought something to him. Stapled pages, he turned to look at for a moment and then the next moment watching the back of Poetry as she worked her way around the other desks. Ezera turned to Ebony "Excuse Suge, I'll holla back at ya later. Be easy..." he said giving her a warm smile before following to where Poetry was walking to to meet other members of his group. Walking up behind Poetry, he simply listened in on the conversation, taking a look at the students presently in the same group as himself. Wonder how they'd turn out? From what he was hearing, they seemed quite excited about the project and willing to pitch in to do whatever the needed to do to make it successful. Ezera spoke up "Anything y'all need me to do. I'm down. Need commentary, project security, theme music and sound effects for the volcano, little lego people, snacks and shit, I got you..." He said not wanting to be a liability to the group.