[i]No worries, it definitely will be a later time I am in CST. It's a little past 7:30 here and I probably won't get a post in until around the same time maybe slightly earlier if I feel ambitious tomorrow. All my plans are is that I am going to time skip us onto the morning of the science fair. This would be a good opportunity for some collaborations and stuff of things that a) happened over the weekend b) finishing touches on the volcano and c) anything else. I know it's been a little hectic with this thread with everything that happened, and I just wanna say THANK YOU so much to everyone. You've made gm'ing this a lot less stressful and feel so rewarding and fun to me. I hope you've guys enjoyed this roleplay as much as I have so far. I promise that when we get to the "next year" thread, I will be a better GM as I am constantly learning and adjusting how I do things. For now it will be a little rocky as I get things going, but I think once we get our core group settled here, things can slow down a bit and we can work on some really deep story lines and have some fun. Thank you again ~ Tori[/i]