Name: Hana Misaki Age: 17 Appearance: (Images don't work with me right now) Personality: Feisty, yet somewhat cold and distant from the others. However, once you get past her walls and guards she puts up, you have a loyal person who will never turn her back on you even at the cost of her own life. Brief Backstory: Hana was born to two Oriental parents and at about the age of five was caught by human traffickers and sold. Eventually she escaped from her captors and she made it back to her home. But by that time the Titans began attacking the Outer District. She escaped with the other children but she never stayed in one place for too long, for fear of making friends that she would later lose. She decided to join the Police Force as a Scout so she could kill the creatures that killed her parents. District From: Outer Squad Aiming For: Scout, she doesn't know which squad she wants to be in, as long as she is a scout. Skill Level: On a scale of 1-10, she is a 7.