[hider=The Story So Far] The caravan sets off, and gets stuck in a hole where any chance of continuing looks rather bleak. Caravan master charges through a storm that he probably should have waited out, but didn't in the name of speed. That went rather poorly. The horse had two busted legs, and was put down by the caravan master - a dark end to a pair that had lasted some 13 years. An approaching figure from the darkness was greeted by an array of swords, bows, guns and [s]nuclear ordinance[/s] before turning out to be a [s]hot[/s] girl. Twists of fate, eh >.> Said girl, introduced as Regina, brings the group back to the house, which is quite obviously enchanted, and the owner is most certainly capable around magic, healing the busted leg of a young group member. Soon after the group is partially settled in, 4 more odd folks pop in, a cultist, a rather young fellow, a bodybuilder, and a highwayman that immediately takes Regina upstairs. Oh, and a mud man takes vigil in the backdoor and a few folks notice there's something under the floor. The two groups uneasily keep calm, for a time. Things heat up a bit as one of the caravan riders takes the recently healed kid out to the woods, where a mud-demon-guy forms up to greet him, and when one of the caravan group members cuts the crap and asks the big questions, namely, "what the fuck are you and are we gonna have a problem" (in short). One of the newcomers... kind of explains the situation. A small brawl breaks out as Baldur goes upstairs and has a chat with the resident demon there. The group goes all out on the cultist, believing him to be the leader. Not quite. After a tense conversation and a chase in the forest, the group eventually makes it out in one piece, though two individuals are split from the main group and meet up with a few soldiers downstream. The others continue their path north, and from here this tale ends, and the next shall begin... [/hider] Please only post here if you're accepted. See the list of accepted folks and a list of chars with them in the OOC tab.