[center] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/d2/9d/aa/d29daac9573388b3c0e0dc38d48fbab7.jpg[/img] Name: Princess Rose Age: 18 Parents: Belle and Adam (aka The Beast) Likes: Books, the Outdoors, Animals Dislikes: Bad Tempered People, Arrogance, Judgemental People Bio: Daughter of King Adam "The Beast" and Queen Belle "The Beauty". As one would expect, Rose is a mixture of both of her parents: having taken after her mother in looks and her father in temperament. Controlling her anger at seeing injustice or someone being judged for how they appear is hard for her. She finds outlets in reading and being outdoors. A perfect day for her is to be outside in the garden surrounded by her mother's roses reading her favorite book. She loves animals, particularly those who are misunderstood, such as bears and wolves. Hearing her parent's story has made her into the person she is today, but she will most likely compare any relationship she has to her parents'. [/center]