[center][h1][b]The Pirate Alliance[/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Rhino and his band of pirates felt hot under the harsh desert sun and he wondered how far the coalition army would have to march before seeing any real action. His wait wouldn't be too long when the evil fallen wizard appeared and made the sky go dark and rain and lightning began to pour down from the heavens. "Aaah that cursed sun no longer beats down on us, I feel more ready for the fight! Men no one comes up against us without paying the price! Not here! Not Ever! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Rhino cried out with charismatic fury and his crew gave shouts from his inspiration and raised their weapons in preparation for battle. The battle soon started when their foe summoned hundreds of these terrible human-like monsters and Rhino drew his twin sabres. "Attack!" he ordered and his band of pirates went on the offensive with a whirlwind of elemental spells, swords swing and crossbows shooting. With his insane speed Rhino cut through dozens of shadow warriors with his blades. After he had downed several more of these foul beasts Rhino used his chimera magic to summon a mammoth and a bear. He then fused the two creatures together to form a Mammoth Bear. [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/toriko/images/7/75/Mammoth_Bear..png/revision/latest?cb=20121110171538[/img][/center] The beast was massive and it was fierce. It gave a terrifying roar and Rhino jumped up on the creature's back. "Show these scallywags what primal fury looks like!" he commanded the beast and the Mammoth Bear went into a frenzy and began slicing through tons of Gargth's minions. While on top of the beast Rhino saw the evil wizard cast some kind of spell that was headed for Guild of Tal'Zaroth who had some kind of magic barrier up and he hoped that they would be able to counter such a terrible ability. He then noticed that whatever that spell was it had weakened Gargth and now was his chance to end this scourge's rein of terror. "I'm cutting of this terrible serpent's head!" he shouted and had the Mammoth Bear charged towards Gargth. The beast was poised to slice the wizard to pieces unless he defended himself against Rhino's massive creature.