[color=steelblue] "Larson, Dallen Larson," [/color]he said, taking a seat. [color=steelblue] "Not much to tell, really. I lost my family to some scumbags, now I kill scumbags for money. I'm an assassin, and I'll work for cheap. I work for cheap because I love what I do, and I'm damn good at it." [/color] He was already sizing up his escape plan in case things went sour. The closest weapon to him was holstered on one of the lady's men, standing just behind him. If he felt the conversation would start to turn south, he'd make an attempt at the weapon. Once he had a firearm, he felt he had an 82% chance of making it out on his own, though he also knew anything could happen in this line of work. [color=steelblue] "That is why I'm here?" [/color] he asked, suddenly hoping she wasn't looking to hire a security guard instead. She already seemed to have plenty of those. Not that it really mattered, since he was really here to find out if she had anything to do with killing Pagans, something of which he would have to work in somehow. Who knows, maybe she'd send him to kill some Pagans right away. Then he remembered why he was 'really' here, which was to play these games until he had enough information so that he could kill every single one of them. Or maybe that was just his nicotine addiction taking over his mind.