[hider=Full Moon Monster][center] Appearance. [img]http://i592.photobucket.com/albums/tt7/Sara_Shadow/Other%20Anime/Dead_Man_Walking_by_TigerOfTheMist.jpg[/img] Name: Crowley Black Gender: Male Age: 15 Personality: Crowley is generally a pretty happy go lucky dude, always looking on the brighter sides of things. He truly believes that every cloud has a silver lining. He is always the first to crack a smile and ever the one with a joke that’ll try and set the situation he finds himself in at ease. He is always weak to a pretty girl especially if she has treats. He is also very competitive, always striving to make himself number one. Bio: Crowley was born to two “Monster” heroes. His dad used to hero under the name of “Stein”, in due to his incredible regenerative and strength Quirk, while his mother heroed under the name of “Countess”, her powers resembling that of a vampire. Of course this consummation was made mostly due to the fact that “monster” heroes seemed to enjoy going with each other to keep the theme of the quirk alive. Crowley came into his quirk quite naturally. Developing at the usual age, his parents were overjoyed to see their theme had come through in their child. As such, Crowley had a childhood filled with training on his ability and grew up in the quintessential hero culture. He had a pretty good life and when the time came to be enrolled into an academy, Crowley chose a newer place to apply to...if only to become one of the first legends to come out of that academy. Quirk: Mutant Type: Full Moon Monster. Crowley’s Quirk allows him to take on the form of something akin to a werewolf. He is able to partially transform; creating claws, lupine legs and deadly jaws. He is also able to completely transform his body, though this exhausts him incredibly. His quirk causes him to constantly have a pair of wolven ears and tail on him. It also gives him a penchant for raw meat, gnawing on bones, occasionally causes him to develop fleas if he goes a few days without cleaning and an enjoyment in chasing cats and in head scratches. [/center][/hider]