[@Carrot] - Using an elf paladin is fine. However, I will reiterated information that is available on the official out of character section. Elves function a bit differently in this particular land. Typical elves, which we will call high elves are merely city born elves. Whether they be a human city or a elf city is debatable. Either way, their stats as listed in the PHB stand. Wild elves are just that, those typically deemed wood elves or other wilderness dwelling elves. They live in a variety of village types or potentially act in a nomadic fashion as well. Dark elves or drow in this particular area are not what we considering Drizzt Drow. Instead, they are a corrupted form of either high or wild elf. For all extensive purpose you can assume the same physical appearance and stat line from the MM3.5 for using Drow as a player character. However, you'll have to keep in mind that with Dark elves those better traveled will know them for what they are and treat them as such. So choose carefully. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] - You are more than welcome to check out the OOC and draft up a character for consideration in the party. I won't flounder you for being a power gamer. It isn't my style but you're not me so I don't expect you to act as such. But as I have told the others, if you are using something out of the relative norm just let me know where you've gotten it from so I can educate myself accordingly.