Dax stood quitly for a moment and removed his Hood leaving his mask intact still not big on the whole identity thing. Dax took a quick look around the room making sure everyone could see him. With a small sigh he began to speak . He first looked towards the rat pack members[color=9e0b0f]"considering the wealth of resources within your group. I'm sure you all ready know me as well as the rest of them throughout if not even by name"[/color] Dax proceeded to turn towards the others. [color=9e0b0f]"as for the rest of you"[/color] he said with a subtle sigh. For Daxs usual day he had already talked to much and no longer wanted to say anything, but he knew it was a nessasery formality. [color=9e0b0f]"you probably don't know me nor do I care or even really want you to"[/color] he let out another small sigh before continuing to speak. [color=9e0b0f]"I am who the public refers to as anonymous. You can use this or you can call me D. Either works I really could care less. As for [b]you[/b][/color] he said the last words turning and pointing his pistol at nitros. [color=9e0b0f]["shut up about the damn circle I swear to God I will shoot"[/color] Although not entirely truthful or joking dax chuckled a bit jokingly as he put the safety on his gun and walked back to his spot on the wall. Dax began adjusting the engines In his gloves. He had almost lost grip 20 stories in the air and that was just too close of a call to not fix.