[quote=@xChrome] First time rp-er here, I assume I apply over here? [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f7/ed/15/f7ed1574f9a1211aa89a50e08e1ceb5a.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Jameson [b]Age:[/b] is 21, looks 21 [b]Description:[/b] Jameson is your typical, run of the mill cowboy-type character, wearing a cowboy hat and a dark long overcoat. He is of average build and height, slightly bearded. He believes in travelling light and sufficient so he carries around a canteen, a knife and 2 revolvers (better safe than sorry he says). He looks worn from all the travelling but has the look of determination of a young man. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Jameson keeps to himself most of the time but is a friendly guy who believes that travellers should help each other whenever possible, especially during times like these. However, he wasn't born yesterday and knows when someone is being "overly appreciative" of his kindness. He hates evil of all kind and will do his best to stop them whenever he comes across them in his travels even if it means bending over backwards at times. [b]Backstory:[/b] Jameson is from a land way down south, however he spent most of his adult years travelling and seeking a more meaningful life than tending to the livestock back home. He travelled to many places and has seen many things, but never did he leave the safety and familiarity of his own land. After hearing news of a caravan that brings people north, he decided that perhaps it's time to look for something more foreign to satisfy his adventurous young heart. [/quote] Welcome :) May you have successful adventures here. The char itself works well, and I think he shall fit. What I will say, though, is revolvers aren't a common weapon by any means and that tech is still at the point where people will still find it practical to run around with a sword on the battlefield. That said, the lore of the world is rather open, so he should fit in (expect strange looks at the guns from some people, though :p). Welcome aboard, feel free to stick your char into the Char tab. I made a few adjustments to the paragraph on setting (clarification), if you'd like to modify in light of them feel free to.