[@MonstrousMan] No. You shouldn't be making threads to look or invite new people when the group has hardly formed. I detailed why earlier in the plan bit. If you want to put forward some kind of new member search, create an paste ad for members to stick in their bios. With a link to a chat room we use or personal thread. Don't use the threads here for OOC talk and ads because it would get spammy quick and having in groups have spammy threads gets really annoying for the outsiders fast. That way people can see about joining on their own initiative without any distracted effort on our parts. ------------- [@Proxi][@MonstrousMan][@OfWindAndRain][@RangerOfTheRit][@mae][@belle] For the One Shot. I suggest we make a CV for the kingdom that we're going to be roles in. Those interested can submit one something like this [hider] KINGDOM NAME: KINGDOM BANNER: Drawn or written GENERAL BIO: 3 paragraphs max. Describe general society. Architecture. Mood. History. Method of rule. A quick overview. Culture: How your people act. What they hold important as a whole. General fragments of philosophy that implement themselves in attitude and art. 1 paragraph max. Religion: Cults, magics, athiests, monolithic ectr 1 paragraph max General Military Stats: General stats. 1000 horses. 12000 men 5000 seige weapons. forced service, no forced service ectr. keep it brisk and to the point [/hider] in the end. Everyone will take a vote which they'd like to RP the roles in besides those that submitted.