[color=39b54a]"No worries bud, everyone has their first sometime"[/color] Hawke laughed at the bad joke and clapped the turian on the shoulder [color=39b54a]"Ah, trust me, by the time we're all done you'll be sick of lookin' at the place. Not as bad as everyone says if you know your way around[/color] He flashed the datapad at Arlus. [color=39b54a]"I gotta get all this stuff for the crew anyway, so I can point ya in the right direction. In exchange, I'm gonna need a hand bringin some of this stuff back, sound like a deal? Come on"[/color] About an hour later, the crew was back on board, Hawke was hard at work in the storage bay, checking all the crates and making sure he hadn't missed anything. [color=39b54a]"That container there are the supplies requested by the quarian.... Sena, not Reezan. Have someone bring it up to her quarters.[/color] he told Carrick, the chief of the dock boys [color=39b54a]"Those 8 are weapons, should be 2 full of rifles, assault and semi-auto, 2 for assorted pistols and SMGs, 1 for shotguns, 1 of sniper rifles, and the last one should have our launchers. The 4 smaller crates on the end are thermal clips, explosive charges, and grenades. See that they're all unpacked and placed in the armory. Anything we haven't gone through are personal requisitions from the crewmen, they can claim them at their own convenience, list is right here"[/color] He handed over the datapad and walked off towards the elevator. As it started to ascend he heard the beep of the P.A. system going live. [color=0072bc]"We're arriving at the planet Xerkanos. Strike Team, gather up your gear and meet at the shuttle"[/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The shuttle rocked and rattled as it descended through the atmosphere. The team all sat around as Tarrin examined a datapad. He tossed it down on the floor and a hologram projected up. [color=0072bc]"Ok, initial scans show a spike in electron waves coming from this region. We're dropping in on this ridge overlooking what used to be an Alliance Exploratory Station. We'll survey it from above, then move down and breach. Clear out anyone left then explore for further leads"[/color] They landed and set out, scanning the building below for outward threats. [color=ed1c24]"Seems clear out here, no cameras in sight except for the one right over the door"[/color] Fisher noted [color=ed1c24]"Old Alliance buildings like this were designed with an unfortunate flaw. I can see it from here. There's a control board for internal systems on the right side of it, around the corner from the door. It's meant as a link-in point for exterior security checkpoints or transport stations, but this one has no such structure, but it's there, hidden beneath an off-color silver wall panel. Easy to hack"[/color] Tarrin took charge once more [color=0072bc]"Ok Fisher, take Sena and Reezan down there, watch their back while they hack in. Arlus and Varok, you'll breach from the rear of the facility. Hang back out of sight until the hack is complete and the door opens itself. Hawke, you're with me. We're goin in the front"[/color]