[i]Before I do the time skip (which might end up being tomorrow)- going to do OOC role call. This way I can edit our groups down for the science fair on who remains and give time to do any collaborations or atleast heads up of what happened so that we can continue on. Please just let me know if you're here and wanting to continue. [/i] [@carla6677] - Amelia Rashfree. Mitzie Sloane. [@Filthy Mudblood] - Indiana Ryder. [@MechonRaptor] - Nathaniel Anderson. Blake Rooke. [color=a2d39c]-Staying-[/color] [@alexfangtalon] - Sadie Hill. Derek O'Leary. [@smarty0114] - Caleb & Jacob McKinnon. Lily Westburg. [color=a2d39c]-Staying-[/color] [@Thane] - Thomas Jones. Sonny Kassem. [@Fabricant451] - Nicoletta Soriano. Cass Rowley. [@klaykid] - Clyde Lee. [@Framing A Moose] - Lilac Rider. [@LovelyAnastasia] - Poetry Sundance. Oberon Grimbald. [@TheIrishJJ] - Conan & Maeve & Tadhg ó Faoláin. [@King Tai] - Ezera Porter. [color=a2d39c]-Staying-[/color] [@mskennedy615] - Ebony Washinton. [color=a2d39c]-Staying-[/color] [@Fluorescent] - Kelsey & Kris Hartford. Jess Grossman. [@RBYDark] - Selene Cross. [color=a2d39c]-Staying-[/color] [@A Tattooed Girl] - Aria Delaney. Quinten Rumancek. [@Chaotic Chao] - Miles Payton.