In a strange moment, two people said one sentence at the same time, despite being far apart. "Guess I'll go here." Takeru and Alain said as they entered their portal. [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Mid-Childa[/center] "W-wait a minute!" Takeru said as he exited the portal, landing on his face. "O-ow..." He got up. As he did, he saw the people flying, heading towards somewhere. Takeru took out his Ore Eyecon and held a hand over his waist to create the Ghost Driver. He clicked on his Eyecon to activate it, then placed it in his Driver. [b]EYE! WATCH THIS... WATCH THIS... WATCH THIS...[/b] A ghostly figure appeared out of Takeru's belt. It appeared to be more of a jacket than an actual ghost. It was a black jacket with orange accents. Takeru did a meditative pose, holding out his hand with two pointed fingers. "Henshin!" He announced as he activated the Driver. [b]EYES OPEN! [color=f26522]IT'S ME! LET'S GO! DEAD SET! GO GO GO GHOST![/color][/b] The jacket flew to Takeru as his body became coated in a black suit. Takeru drooped his head and shoulders down as the jacket landed on his back. As Takeru moved up, he pulled down the hoodie made with the jacket. His face was replaced with a helmet. The "face" was completely orange with two large black holes that should be where his eyes were. Takeru did a running start to try and leap, attempting to rely on his ghostly powers to hover to the flying people... Only for him to land. "[b][color=f26522]H-huh?[/color][/b]" Takeru tried to jump again. But it didn't work. "[color=f26522][b]What the? Yurusen! What's goin-[/b][/color]" He tried to speak to Hibiki, then realized who she was. "[color=f26522][color=f26522]Erm... Crap. Sorry, wrong person.[/color][/color]" Takeru blushed underneath his helmet... That's when he realized. He wasn't disappearing. Usually, if he wasn't confident or wanted to hide, he'd just disappear like a ghost... However, Takeru still remained corporeal. "[color=f26522][b]Eeeeeh?[/b][/color]" Takeru slowly came to a conclusion... Whatever happened with Charmeine somehow negated his whole being a ghost business. Well, this is gonna be hard... [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Hitmanland[/center] Alain appeared alongside Gilgamesh. The thought of not knowing where the core was also crossed Alain's mind. Gilgamesh, however, seemed confident in finding the core. He proceeded to follow Ulith. "We'll trust you with finding the core then, if that's okay." He asked Gilgamesh. He certainly had no care about looking out of place. His black uniform is a status symbol, denoting him of Ganma royalty. He's not gonna strip it down just to appear normal.