Nemo cocked his head to the side as he looked at the air Ava was manipulating on her palm. [color=c0c0c0]"Well, there's nothing stopping you from experimenting anymore. If you were capable of blowing out the side of a barn, it should be good enough. There is the concern of reliability especially with young magick, which is why I often prefer blades or firearms. Sometimes the simplest choice is the most satisfying. It makes the others all the more fun when they are needed."[/color] Nemo replied. [color=c0c0c0]"Though fear not, Frau Kurier. Conflict and combat is my specialty. The duel is my dance. Between my partner and I, I'm sure we can handle the threats we'll be facing, in fact I'll be looking forward to it."[/color] He explained. [color=c0c0c0]"Ah! Travis, good morning. You're just on time to meet our new pals. Seems the gangs all here."[/color] He greeted as he noticed Travis appear.