[color=00a651][center]Malkai[/center][/color] As Parum was negotiating with the stable master, Malkai went to see the horses themselves. Though attuned to nature as he was, his skills as a druid was far from great. His affinity for animals, for example, was somewhat lacking. True he had quite a partnership with Falchion, but that was not too unlike that of a hunter and his hound. They were merely partners of circumstances, profiting from each other. That is to say, their empathetic bond wasn't very strong. Malkai hasn't quite developed the ability to communicate with creatures, though he has a much better understanding than most. He could pass himself off as an animal whisperer if he needed to. And in this instance, he wanted to get to know more about the horses they'll be riding. In the stables Malkai looked at the various horses. He could plainly see which one they would be using; they already had saddlebags nearby with the Mage Guild's insignia on them. The horses themselves were strong, young mares, built for speed. However Malkai set his eyes upon a much more robust stallion. If they were going to be traveling through the deserts hauling a wagon, they'll need stronger horses. Malkai looked towards the stallions, and they looked towards him. The two creatures met eyes with one another, glaring at each other. Staring into one another souls. Then Malkai took out a sugar cube. Horses love sugar cubes. Afterwards Malkai subtly undid the latches, but didn't try to steal the horse. When the opportunity presented itself, the horse would come to him. He waited outside the stables for Parum to finish her business/for the others to arrive. [hr] [color=7ea7d8][center]Veridis Quo[/center][/color] Veridis spent much of his time reading more than he did writing. These books, boring to some, contained a vast amount of stories and lore that greatly interested the bard. History and adventure that he could now only imagine, though one day witness himself. He was half tempted to take the books, but he knew the wards on them would only make him an enemy to the church. Best not to make any enemies and simply write down what he could. Once he had a decent few sheets of valuable information, Veridis went to find Kalista. It seemed like she was finished as well. [color=7ea7d8]"I hope so as well. Knowledge is powerful, but a good story doesn't solve a dry throat. Let's be off!"[/color] Adjusting his bags Veridis set off to the meeting place, the stables, and hoped that the rest of the party was ready to leave as well.