[quote=HeySeuss] Well, the JPost and Haaretz aren't precisely pro-Putin either -- he's not exactly warm and fuzzy to Jews himself. But Western Ukrainian extremists seem hellbent on blaming Jews and vandalizing synagogues. I wonder how Kiev will look if significant numbers of Ukrainian Jews start making aliyah. If they have any sense whatsoever, they will want to stomp that shit fast, especially if they wish for any sort of US support whatsoever.Basically, Kiev's dumb skinheads are a liability. [/quote] The number of Jews in Ukraine has been decreasing every single year since the 40's. After WWII, I imagine that almost all of those leaving Ukraine were either headed to the United States or Israel. There isn't a large enough Jewish community in Ukraine for mass emigration to even be a possibility any more; the population is so small that even if every Jew left Ukraine, there wouldn't be enough people leaving for it to be considered significant. Are Kiev's 'skinheads' a liability? Sure. But not a large enough liability for the organizations behind the revolution to say anything nasty about what compromises a significant portion of their supporters.