[@EnterTheHero][@Lmpkio][@Sho Minazuki] Akoni felt himself completely overcome with irritation to the point of complete saturation, and for once with was not the Sage Silas that was the cause. No, Silas actually agreed with Akoni's own thoughts and feelings. The angel in their presence, Kushiel, had completely ignored the old mage's words and sense of caution to instead light the chandelier without a care in the world. In response the area immediately illuminated, a boon and a curse for while visibility no longer hampered the group, it had alarmed their foes. Akoni had half a mind to grab Kushiel by the collar and wring his neck, but that wouldn't help their situation at all. [i][color=dodgerblue]Damn damn damn. That angel had better prove himself to be a force of pure divine retribution, or he might not survive this.[/color][/i] That's when the creatures began to form and attack in vast numbers. Calcium phosphates and collagens collected together in vaguely humanoid forms ready to go on the offense, and Akoni felt his mood shift considerably. [color=dodgerblue]"Oh,"[/color] he utterly in a bored, matter of fact tone. [color=dodgerblue]"Skeletons."[/color] Well that wouldn't be any sort of a problem, save for the sheer number of the things. Skeletons were infamous for being so low on the totem pole of threats that, frankly, they could be all but ignored in most circumstances. Now there was a different matter, that of the forces spawning the skeletons, for bone could never walk on its own. With a heavy sigh, Akoni moved forward toward their goal, summoning four gates around him in his Tortoise Shell technique. These small fries could be handled by the others. He could [i]literally[/i] walk through this army to get where they needed to be. [color=dodgerblue]"I'll find the necromancers responsible,"[/color] he shot back for Kushiel and Silas. [color=dodgerblue]"Come join me or have fun in the bone pit, I don't rightly care either way. Maybe your dogs can have some fun here?"[/color]