[@NekoMizu] You could potentially just blame this on the fact that I have something of a connection to music, especially since I listen to it while writing and often use it to invoke a sort of meditative state. That sort of thing simply wouldn't cross over to a format that has no music, at least unless the person reading is able to pick up on that atmosphere I was trying to create. Admittedly, by the standards of most people who RP I have very little actual experience with reading books. When I started text-based RPing, I might not have been new to storytelling but the entire concept of writing to role-play was completely foreign to me, and I was introduced to the concept on an advanced forum as well, so I think I did well for myself considering I never posted my role-plays like a beginner. Since I'm entirely self-taught, it did make things interesting. Regardless, I understand how music is not an essential feature for everyone, but I definitely think it can bring something unique to the table. The main reason I could never see my story working as either an anime or a manga is because the narrative is far too detailed and complex.