[@Mangrale] [color=black]"I can understand how you feel Cecilia, this isn't the first time someone saw me for the first time."[/color] *Neric would speak lightly and quietly so the others couldn't hear them, staying sitting down as James looks at her. Seeing her nervous as he thinks on what to say to maybe help her relax, looking at Neric and then back to her as he speaks up now* [color=yellow]"He's been with me ever since I was born, he's always been my friend and hopefully he doesn't scare you too much. I can tell you right now he's very friendly and nice."[/color] *He could have said that much better, but given the circumstances. He had to say something right away to try and calm her. Him looking back at Neric and gently rubbing his head. The little, dark being cat would make a type of purring sound as it lets him. Like Neric was taking on a cat instinct for a moment, knowing James was trying to make a good image of them both. Tilting his head towards James's hand and closing his eyes* [color=yellow]"See? He wouldn't do anything bad unless he had to defend someone."[/color] *James smiling the whole time as he looks back at Cecilia with the same smile*