[@Mangrale] [color=yellow]"I can understand, this is a lot to take in."[/color] *James would joke back as he smiles at her, pulling his hand away as Neric shakes his head. Blinking a couple times before he looks at them. James seeing her hand as he chuckles softly, never has he had a moment like this. Most of the time it was just to show someone to prove a point. But this was different, he knows that for a fact* [color=yellow]"Wanna pet him? Might be weird feeling at first till he gets a feel for your touch, he's not used to anyone else touching him. But he won't bite, don't worry."[/color] *James said as he looks to them both, if she did wanna pet him it would be weird. It would feel like rough, grisly smoke, but after several seconds she can feel it changing. Slowly the feeling of fur along it's body, not like normal but it's the best it could do. But it's if she wanted to anyway*