[@Mangrale] *She could see that Neric was watching her, not trying to give off a bad vibe about the situation. Really, it was to see if she would or not. The moment she reaches her hand out to it, it would look like it was sniffing her hand. Soon either pushing it's head against her hand or letting her pet him. The rough feeling soon being taken over by a near soft fur like feeling, not exact but close. Him purring as he speaks* [color=black]"Her hands are softer then yours James."[/color] *James shaking his head, smiling and trying to cover up his little blunder of letting his Void get to him. Neric purring softly still as James just sat there, forgetting he was side by side with her as he watched the two. It was nice to see someone react like she did to Neric, his sight usually made others panic. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye for just a second before looking back at Neric, softly smiling*