[center] [b] [u] Natsume Yuki Kirikagure [/u] [/b] Today was supposed to be the day that life some how changed Today was supposed to be the day She began her climb to the top of the shinobi ladder Today was supposed to be the day she began to wipe out the stigma of her bloodline Today was supposed to be the day She showed the village what a monster they had created Today was supposed to be the day, her day, as a part of a team. [/center] Today was...just like any other day though. the mist floated across the land as always. The sun made every attempt to shine through it. Everybody went about their day to day rituals. Everybody except for Natusme, for this fresh genin life was expected to be anything but normal. The infamous wallflower was now to be a part of a group. Didnt matter that she hated people. Didnt matter that people hated her. What mattered was that she was a shinobi and they cast aside their personal feelings for the sake of what ever their superiors told them. At least that was the way the teachers made it seem in the Academy but even she was smart enough to know better. She closed her book on page 291, and tossed it on to her bed. Glancing around her room She made sure she had everything that she needed. As soon as she was sure she went downstairs and exited her house through her fathers shop. Only a few browsing customers for now, most of which turned away from her, causing her to turn away from them. how long, she often wondered, would she be able to tolerate this? This negativity, this hatred and fear toward her for the blood in her veins and nothing else. She had long since gave up hoping it would change, hope had no place in the reality she lived it. But did she have a place in it?