Country CS Formal Name: The Oligarchic Democracy of Mesidayn Informal Name: Mesidayn Government System: Oligarchic Democracy Species: [hider=Human][img][/img]Not owned by me[/hider], [hider=Halph men][img][/img]Not owned by me[/hider] Population: 230,000- 160,000 human, 70,000 Halph men Nation Advantages: *Fish and fresh water can be taken from the lake. *They have many skilled hunters and forests in which to exercise their talents. Nation Weaknesses: *Mesidayn's military is abysmal with their lack of money and disinterest in wars. *Other than Terrian and Phraxirania, their fortifications such as walls and castles are dwindling. *Mesidayn's woods harbor Brynniths- wild panther like creatures which occasionally storm a town or kill a hunting group. [hider=Image of Brynnith][img][/img]Not owned by me[/hider] Culture: Similar to the English colonies in America (with a modern election and ruling system) featuring similar architecture excluding the larger cities such as Phraxitrania and Terrian. The idea of pious belief in religion also applies to Mesidayn with their religion- the extreme form of Christianity (witch trials, hangings to heretics, affliction from the devil) without the past history- Jesus, disciples, Noah etc. [hider=Phraxitrania- Capital city][img][/img]Not owned by me[/hider] [hider=Cherrolos- Small village (majority)][img][/img]Not owned by me[/hider] Brief History: The founders of Mesidayn left Vaolos at a very early stage, and wandered until they found the lake which they built their capital city, Phraxitrania, next to. They followed a man named Sepple Dype, a powerful religious person who told stories of his great grandfathers who expelled magic with power and force, and his opinion on how people should live. These tales transformed into religion, and so Mesidayn was founded as a christian country. After a good start in production on Phraxitrania, Sepple issued the construction of Terrian and then the short dictatorship was pushed aside as Sepple introduced the democracy but sadly died before he could complete it's fabrication. Other, richer men took charge of the project and twisted it so only the posh could apply for elections, and so came the Oligarchic Democracy. The rate of construction in Mesidayn was throttled sky high and the cities of Phraxitrania and Terrian were thriving in 30 years. But gradually the production rate decreased as the rich had their homes, and the poor were forced out and only able to build what they could themselves with very little funding from the government as the cabinet vetoed the majority of requests the prime ministers made to aid the poor. Now, Serayn Merle stands at the head of the government, and he intends on replacing the cabinet, whether the aristocrats vote for it or not.