Looks fine by me. My only critique is that I would ask you not to use the name "Caliphate". Azoth is a completely different world from Earth, and as such the notion of a Caliph or Caliphate - a concept from the Arabic peoples of Earth - does not exist on Azoth. I would also add that Nyr'kiin queens/Hive Mothers were biologically distinct from regular Nyr'kiin, much like queen ants/bees/termites are on Earth. I can't imagine that a regular Nyr'kiin could become a true queen, but maybe See'iama is trying to become a leader among the Nyr'kiin by communing with the spirits of dead queens. Or maybe, she must complete some sort of ritualistic metamorphosis to actually become a queen. Just some things to consider as you brainstorm your See'iama/Nyr'kiin plot arcs. If you need ideas for a first post, I might suggest a take by your leaders on the succession of Sashul Remun or the mobilization of Drathan forces in the Ashlands. If you have another idea, go with that. I think your app is good to go. Feel free to post whenever.