Dallen didn't see the other guy from his group as he exited the Shark Club, obtaining his magnum and his trench coat back from the doorman as he left. He did, however, see the girl from the group just outside the Jungle Gym. She was surrounded by bodies and a guy in a red suit. [color=steelblue] "Figures" [/color] he said to himself. She seemed like she was more than capable of handling herself, which meant all of her loud threats and talking was capable of being backed up. His attention shifted to the chem dealer that was in the dark alley beside the Jungle Gym, Alejandro. He knew if the chem-addict girl just walked a few steps over she would find the dealer and probably spend all of her wares on him. Before that could happen, Dallen moved quietly and quickly through the shadows, coming up behind Alejandro and knocking him out cold with the handle from his .357. [i]A few minutes later...[/i] [color=steelblue] "You can scream if you want," [/color] Dallen told him as the chem dealer came to his senses. The two of them were alone now, deep underground in the abandoned subway that ran underneath New Reno. Alejandro was lying on the subway tracks with Dallen standing over him, his handgun aimed at the back of his head. Dallen had already taken the man's hat, but he wanted something more. [color=steelblue] "Though I suggest you don't. There might be a few feral ghouls lurking around down here." [/color] Dallen wasn't normally a thief, but if he were to kill the man, he couldn't just leave his bag of chem supplies. There was enough here to keep that loud mouthed raider chick happy for awhile, if he felt the need to even give some to her. [color=steelblue] "You only have one way out of this, Alejandro," [/color] Dallen continued, not even sure if he would let the man go even if he gave him all the information he wanted. [color=steelblue] "Tell me what I want to know." [/color] Dallen then moved over to the front of the man, to look him eye to his good eye. He placed the magnum's barrel against Alejandro's temple. [color=steelblue] "The Donna Regina wants you dead, what can you tell me about her? Has she been spilling Pagan blood? Why does she want you dead?" [/color]