[@Shoryu Magami] I've mirrored the image on my own image hoster so not to steal traffic from the original server. I've checked it and it seems okay, but if others report the same problem it could still be my error. Remote diagnosis is very difficult, maybe it has something to do that the image is transferred in an encrypted manner. Anyway, I have another link that shows the same image: [url=http://67.media.tumblr.com/2a865005b7838cb8b84248a42d82a59b/tumblr_inline_n57drnMYxV1rhi1j2.jpg]http://67.media.tumblr.com/2a865005b7838cb8b84248a42d82a59b/tumblr_inline_n57drnMYxV1rhi1j2.jpg[/url] I'm kinda surprised by the possible relationships. I've proposed this character to [@Halvtand] last night (my time), so before I had any possibility to read yours and see that he's a mage.