[center][b]Haruhi Suzumori[/b][/center] As her sensei's cold gaze traveled to her, Haruhi shook her head and marched off to the other side of the field to stretch and prepare for laps. As she stretched her legs she silently cursed herself for failing another test. [i][b]"She didn't technically said I failed, but she didn't look pleased either. Then she just barks out another order, she wants me to basically attack my other teammate...She noticed I held back on...what was her name? Minori...?"[/b][/i] With a sigh she began jogging laps around the field. She didn't really like following orders, but she had to. This woman was her sensei now and she had to listen and learn everything she said In order to get stronger. [i][b]"I wish it was just that though."[/b][/i] The truth was that Haruhi was actually kind of scared of her sensei. She looked like she could snap Haru in two with her glare alone. She didnt like feeling that way, it made her feel weak. She pushed her feet harder, picking up the pace. Haruhi already knew she was weak, she didn't have to be discreetly reminded by her sensei of that. It showed in her face, her eyes, her entire being just screamed weakness. That's why she was here. She was here to get stronger, faster, smarter, more understanding. If she didn't do that she could never surpass her Father. If she couldn't do that, it would prove everyone right who told her she had no place in the Shinobi world. [i][b]"Like hell if I don't belong here."[/b][/i] She kept running, hearing her heart pound in her chest. As long as her heart kept beating she could do more, she could BE more than what she was now. The only thing standing in her way was herself. Her steps slowed to a jog after a few painful minutes and then a brisk walk as she breathed heavily and looked around her. She needed to talk to Minori. Maybe they could come up with a plan together. She spotted her teammate and began to make her way over.