I'm not sure how to feel about a holiday where groups of children approach your house and demand candy. I'm actually kinda glad I live out in the country where I don't get many visitors. That's not to say I don't enjoy Halloween. Though my favorite holiday is [i]after[/i] Halloween: 50% off candy. This same holiday appears after Christmas and valentines day as well! I'll admit I'm a little biased. My parents never let me trick or treat. My mother was soooooooo terrified of the "razors in the candy apples" etc. I did dress up for school (once), but it wasn't anything cool or fun. I can understand why she wouldn't want to make me a costume of my favorite obscure video game characters, but did I have to be a rabbit? At least make me a vampire! I did get to dress up as death once, but that was a very special occasion. Instead of enjoying my weekend off, my mother had volunteered the entire family to participate in one of her friends things. Like we were props in a hunted house. It was actually kinda fun, though it would have been more so if it didn't create so much drama between everyone.