Zoey looked around the scene she had just entered in on; a handful of people standing over a body, one person putting energy into it. One person looked like he had just come down the staircase, and that was (so far) the only person who had noticed their entry. Which was shocking, because it wasn't exactly a stealthy entry. That said, Zoey knew nobody really well, and the name of only one person. She decided to silently explore her surroundings while she had the chance. She started with the basement, since the entrance to that seemed close by, and padded down there, taking a moment to drop the illusion now that she was out of immediate sight. Conserving mana was a bit of a habit. When she got to the basement level, she noticed a big pool. One she had been smelling for a while, sure. Not really interested in diving face-first into a chemical bath, she went through a door on the same level and was greeted to a much more welcoming sight. Junk food, arcade games, television... things she hadn't been around since her transformation. While she never regretted changing, she missed these things alot. When she was a kid, she had bummed around arcades plenty often to remember the joy. Her quest for exploration lost, she began popping popcorn, and obtaining a soda from the corner confectionery, she began playing House of the Dead 3.