[@Ailyn Evensen] I did mention to [@Halvtand] that you might end up wanting to join this under the "Healer" archetype, since that's technically your thing. Admittedly, you usually prefer Healer/Archer hybrids, so if you're unable to find a trope or concept using this role-play's format that allows for both of them, it makes sense you'd need to pick one or the other. I'd imagine the elf character would add more diversity to the races, but they'd be less likely to be previously acquainted with Emmanuel than someone who knows healing magic would, since the latter could easily be passed off as his apprentice; an idea we discussed outside of the site. Though, to be fair, I don't recall anything in the rules that says an elf can't use magic; they often do. I just can't think of the most fitting trope for something like this off the top of my head. Since we don't use things like elves or dwarves in the story, I've never familiarized myself with tropes involving them. We can look into some tropes once my browser is more reliable and/or I've actually rested. Going on around 24 hours without sleep now. Of course, you might just decide to pick one or the other for simplicity in this particular RP.