[b]WELCOME TO MY ROLEPLAY[/b] [b]*MODS WOULD HELP*[/b] [i]"From the tides of the north, to the deserts of the south, our Empire will prevail."[/i] -Noras, the tenth emperor (781-761 The usually- energetic and aggressive Andrastian senate, a group of 10 men with very different upbringings, stances on life, and goals, had done something remarkable, they had grown silent. This senate who had stood for hundreds of years, very intelligent and honorable men that had spent years sharpening the blade of their republic, grew silent. Instead, they sat and listened, hoping one of their brilliant minds would step forth, bearing a near- omniscient wisdom, a wisdom that would have to be quickly employed to stop an impending threat, the collapse of their great empire. The Andrastian people, a slavic- like people from what is, in our world, the area of Poland, had always been a cunning and formidable people within the high levels of their mind, using this nation- wide prowess to expand their empire throughout Europe. Forged within the fires of the great Kalumian civil war in the year 981 BCE, the Andrastians grew incredibly quickly throughout the world, conquering the many barbaric tribes that "stood" around them. They spent hundreds of years spanning their Empire through a glorious trade network known as Kyarr- Gravass, from this trade network, they gained unceasing levels of riches, allowing them to grow exponentially in many different technological fields. This, along with their ruthless military, a seemingly- unstoppable military force, callused to the brutality of war, allowed them to conquer from northern Europe, all the way to Northern Africa. Though, this conquest did not come without a price, many people had been killed, enslaved, or had their homes destroyed, leading to what is now known as the final Andrastian Era, The Era of Collapse. And within this Era, the Era of total Andrastian destruction, is this day, the day the Senate dreaded, the day the empire fell. Though, for many, this is a day of great excitement and pride, the day they can say their Empires have risen, a day, maybe a new great Empire will begin it's journey. This is where you come in my dear players, stepping at the bottom step on the 1,000,000 stair journey to becoming the ruler of the world. [hider= Rules] Although it is true I have spend a good deal of time planning this roleplay, it is not in my best interests to write out every single rule that you must follow, instead, I will jot down what I want out of players, how I want my world to run, and measures I will take to make sure everyone has a coherent, enlightening, and exciting time. 1: Be respectful of EVERYONE within this roleplay group. (Even if someone is being rude, don't make a farce out of the situation, just report them). 2: Make sure to take the history of the world, other countries, and realism into account when making your country. (In other words, a country of flying cows and cheeto- praising lizardmen will not fly). 3: Understand that I will NEVER say that anyone's idea is bad and cannot be used, instead, I will work with the visionary, forming the idea to fit the world while also keeping the core of what they want out of the game intact. 4: Have fun with others' fun in mind. 5: Always understand that I will revise the rules ALOT, especially if a loopholes begin to be formed. 6: Though many of you may believe the words of my epic speech above, I do not want everyone to Vie for control of the world, though, you can if you want. Instead, I would enjoy some countries that may focus on spreading their religion, culture, or science; maybe even aiming toward more of a diplomatic approach instead of a militaristic one. 7: As of right now I will ONLY be taking about 10 players into my game, though, I will have it updated if I would like more at any given time. 8: You must understand that I MUST hire moderators, for, I still go to school. Because of me having to go to school, I will not be online until 4:30 of each day. [/hider] [hider=Format] The format of your country is as follows. Country Name: Don't continue farther if you are stuck here. Country type: Make sure you obey under the current year that we are in at the moment. Flag: Also, if you are stuck here, TURN BACK NOW History: Here, you will site what led up to the formation of your country, or, what events have been the most ingrained in the minds of the people. Culture: You will have to Follow the culture map that I have created based upon the place you have chosen. [/hider] [hider=The point system] [b]NOTE, THIS SYSTEM CAN BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE[/b] [b]ALSO NOTE, THESE DO NOT CHANGE UNTIL A CHANGE OF ERA OCCURS[/b] The point system is a system in which, based upon the size of your country, your culture, and the land you live in, you will be given points to allocate to three basic things: Military, Administration, and Growth. How it works: Amount of land you have- Depending on the amount of land you have, I will give you a certain amount of points to allocate. Your Culture- Some cultures provide many military opportunities, being a brutal and aggressive people, while others could be a more administrative people, being more level- headed and intelligent, or, they could grow much faster, feeling the compulsive need to have children more than others or move to new lands. Based upon your culture, you will be given a subtraction and addition value for points. The type of land you live in- This is the amount of fertility the land they live in has. NOTE: This only affects growth. [/hider] [hider= Main game map *Will be updated*] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/ifx0e8.png[/IMG] [/hider] [hider=Culture Map] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/24ngrbo.png[/IMG] [/hider]