[@Eklispe] [@TheHangedMan] Charles would watch them seeing them progress he would begin to grin slightly, he would heal any injuries caused as they happened, it was a bit awkward when Charles had to heal Solomon since even if it's just healing, grabbing his hand is a bit weird. So he just hovered his hand around and used his healing magic in a bit farther reach. After seeing the hour up and them mostly exhausted he would chuckle. "you all doing better than I imagined you would" he'd state "Impressive... though not to get over your heads, this is just beginner level stuff" he states. "I will tell you both I will primarily only teach you three techniques for elemental magic, after words you will need to find out your own techniques" he tells them as if it's simple. "Most Magic users tend to find themselves through various experimentation, they begin to make an image for themselves" he would look at the sky "Then they tend to embrace this image and work with it" he simply says. "So it's important that early on we find out what is most unique about you before it's to late in or else you may become weak and limited" he says looking back at them. "You can imagine how I went out on my aspect that caused me to eventually be called the Dragon" he says "I got into studying beasts, magical ones specifically and eventually built my dragon hatchery and in no time had dragons by the truckload, of course I didn't start with dragons I did use other beasts beforehand" he says waving his hand dismissively. "The healing magic I've been using is a special magic by combining aspects from Light and Water elements" he tells them "It's a simply magic everyone should eventually learn, those some tend to specialize in it" he says. "You'll know what magic is your specialty when you first experience it, but there is no guarantee when you will do so" he tells them. "now you've learned the Ball spell even if you only have used the element of fire, it's a similar concept in order to lean the other ball spells" he says simply "You simply need to switch the elemental part of the corresponding element.. The is also Wall spells that creates a wall of the specific element, not very good at prolonged use but good at quick defense, then there is the Arrow spells, the element is charged into the form of an arrow granting it a lot higher offensive power" he tells them. "Now since you both are mentally exhausted and mostly physically exhausted... lets get running!" he says with a devilish grin, at the start he may seem like a demon but he knew what he was doing more than they did, and he wasn't going to let one of his new apprentice(s) die because of them being unable to handle the physical strain that came with handling magic. "We will be doing laps between the four seasons here in the valley" he says "2 Kilometers will be good enough to start.. almost two miles" he simply says. "one lap is a mile on it's own, not including the terrain influencing you from the four seasons" he says with a grin.