[img]http://img14.deviantart.net/6ae2/i/2013/028/3/d/storm_by_elacee-d3chmhc.jpg[/img] The storm tossed the Crimson Eel around for hours and hours, rocking the vessel so far on to her side that it seemed she was in constant danger of going belly up. But each time, the sturdy ship righted herself again, plowing ahead through the waves. The strong wind pushed the vessel far off course, sending her south into uncharted waters. Below deck, the sailors hunkered down, some white with fear, others smiling grimly as they wondered if this would be the storm that finally did them in. And below the sailors, in the hull, was their living cargo, shackled and crowded together for the journey... -- "Three of the slaves are drowned, Captain," Ulric reported as the crew was gathered on the foreign beach, surveying the extent of the damage to the Crimson Eel and the hole in her hull. "But it seems a length of the chain broke and some have escaped." Ulric gestured inland, where a line of prints in the sand showed where the escapees had crossed the beach. The captain growled in irritation. "Take a few of the men. Find the runaways." Ulric nodded, smiling slightly as he turned. He lived for things like this...