[quote=@The Dow Dragon] [@Vilageidiotx] You say old news, but that article was literally posted today, which is the same day this video was posted. And yeah I suppose, but maybe some of Hillary's supporters who had been fooling themselves up until now will see how crazy she is. [/quote] Woops, I picked a new article from a nest of old ones. [url=http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/6/tammy-bruce-anti-trump-rallies-funded-by-the-left/]Here is one from a major source. [/url] I very very much doubt Trump will shake much from registered Dems, and certainly not any meaningful number of people who supported Hillary since the beginning of this cycle. Things like this aren't brand new. [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot](Cite1)[/url] [url=http://dailycaller.com/2012/09/27/seiu-paid-anti-romney-protesters-11hour-in-cleveland-video/](Cite2)[/url]. And of course, beyond that there is the haunting memory of 1968. Not to mention decades if not centuries of politicians accusing others of faking votes from the dead, or voting multiple times, which proceeds from the old Machine Politics era of the late 19th and early 20th who's corruption makes the Clinton machine look like the boy scouts. But that's the background. Needless to say, it's going to take something absolutely unthinkable to break Clinton's core support. For this to affect her it has to hit supporters outside the core; the Never-Trump people, the until-recently-undecideds, and the unaffiliated Bernie supporting her would need to be so loosely supporting her that they are looking for a reason to defect. That could very well be true; considering that her favorability level is low. Polls a week from now will tell. I won't make a confident prediction, but lets just say this; if you held a gun to my head and forced me to guess how this would play out, I'd say I expect this to glance right off her numbers like they were written in stone. I think at this point, the only remotely possible way of her losing this thing is actual prosecution.