[hider=Champion] Name: Assarah Nahara Race: Human Known Racial Abilities: Willpower:Humans despite being short lived and less magically adept than elves have incredible willpower in the field of battle capable of rallying and holding against odds that would break other races. Age:29 Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/6b/ed/72/6bed72f00dedd91f2a9b49722f5dca25.jpg[/img] Renowned Skills: Expert swordswoman, Assarah was trained by fighting for the amusement of the masses; leading her to become highly skilled in the use of most weapons but over all her trusty saber. Marksman, Assarah has extensive training with firearms able to accurately pick off targets with a musket for 200 yards or more; with a reload time of only fifteen seconds making for a rate of four rounds a minute Inspirational, Assarah wasn't handed command by being rich or born of noble blood like many leaders giving her a better understanding and compassion for those under her command Magic:Assarah learned very limited magic in the arena as bashing, hacking, and slashing was far more common, be that as it was she still learned basic destruction magics learning to cast small fireballs and bolts of lighting. Using the mana which flowed through all things, having been taught by an elvish man whom also fought in the pits to harness and reach into the pool of internal energy. Weapons: -Rifled musket with bayonet -Crude six shot revolver -Saber Armour: -Steel breast plate -Steel mail Steed: -Black war stallion Bio: Asahara was born into a farming family, her earliest days were spent plowing fields and tending to livestock. Her father was called away to fight in the army of the Lord whom owned the land they lived on, and never returned from the conflict; the Lord awarded her family ten silver pieces for compensation though her mother turned bitter and began a deep spiral into alcoholism. Without her father around the farm quickly fell to disrepair and the Lord evicted them from the land as they weren't producing anything, forced to move into the slums of the city her mother sold her body. As she got older her body began to command less price, and one day she sold Asahara to a slaver, whom turned and sold her again to a man who trained fighters for the arena. She saw her first match at fifteen, obviously the victor she continued to fight until all those at the arena knew her name, making her master so much gold he freed her upon his death. At twenty one and an extremely deadly combatant Asahara became a sellsword, fighting with the Golden Company swiftly taking command after a disagreement with the former leaders; she took the Company much further than they ever did. Securing firearms, cutting edge weaponry that most humans never got a hold of after carrying out contracts for a Dwarven lord; even taking the Lord's son as her captain. [/hider] [hider=Regiment] Regiment Name: The Golden Company Banner: Two crossed muskets behind a stack of gold ingots Nationality/Race:Humans/assorted nationalities Racial Specifics: (+=Pro, -Con) +Willpower +Comradery +Leadership -Shortlived -Illness -Slower wound recovery Size of Host: 500 Speciality: Musketeers/Light infantry Typical Arms: -Muskets (Accurate up to 120 yards) -Swords -Maces -Improvised melee weapons Typical Armour: -Hide or steel mail Typical Steeds: -Pack mules Magics Used: -Healing -Supportive magics -Enchantment The Golden Company has a small contingent of human mages, numbering only thirty men total; spread all across the lines in small groups to evenly support the infantry army. The enchanters both capable of placing permanent enchantments on items like Assarah's armor and weapons, or temporary enchantment's to allow the soldiers shots to carry elemental or otherwise magical damage effects. The healers obviously tend to the wounded, using not only magic but apothecary tools and combat medic training; the support mages are for defense against opposing mages be it mental or physical attacks on soldiers. Along with casting their own illusions to frighten opponents. History: The Golden Company was formed long before Ashara was born, constantly selling their abilities in war to this lord or that one. A truly deplorable band with no true loyalty save to the highest bidder, never breaking a contract once signed however; though rarely tying themselves down for longer than a year or so. If the battle became too great or the side they fought with began to lose they would obviously flee, as no sellsword became rich dying for nobles. [/hider] [hider=Captain] Name:Aktun Andurin Race:Dwarf Known Racial Abilities: Hardy-Dwarves are known for their stoutness and ability to resist damage that would easily fall larger races Dark vision-Born underground and living deep inside of mountains has given Aktun excellent vision in low light situations Age:123 Appearance: [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/571a/th/pre/i/2013/038/2/3/dwarf_warrior_by_mischeviouslittleelf-d5u3vd8.jpg[/img] Famed Skills: -Tactician -Geologist -Alchemy -Axe skill Magic: -None Weapons: -Battleaxe -Throwing axes -Musket Armour: -Steel plate Steed: Great Boar Bio: Ashara met Aktun when she fought for his father, the male accompanied the Sellswords on their first campaign leading them through the confusing mountain terrain. Ashara formed a close bond with the Dwarf in both travel and combat as they warred with another Dwarvish lord over an iron mine, coming out successful Aktun asked her permission to join the Company. When she accepted Aktun's Lord father gifted the company with a great many treasures including muskets made for human use, granted by the thousands in case of the loss or wear of the others; along with the secrets of how to make blackpowder and rifle the barrels for increased accuracy. [/hider]