The sun stood atop the sky when Layla and her faithful canine companion arrived at Four Winds. The pair had, over the course of about seven hours and a long series of minor setbacks that didn't deserve mention, managed to finally make it up Mount Fuji. Layla gave a little prayer of gratitude for the remarkably well-stocked waystations along the trail. It really was an odd place for a school, though- how did they even expect people to make it up here for a morning orientation? Did they want kids to start walking at 2 AM, or something? Plus it was [i]really[/i] cold, and the wind was downright vicious when you got this high up. [color=a187be]"Well, Pochi, it was a long and lonely road, but we finally made it. Plus we found this cool rock that looks like a skull!"[/color] [sub][i]"Urameshiya~"[/i][/sub] [color=a187be]"Eh, you say something? Well, anyway, here we are at Four- Golly."[/color] The first thing Layla noticed that the academy grounds were some kind of temperate forest region filled with greenery that definitely had no way of surviving at this altitude. Layla might have questioned the environmental impact of this, were she the sort of person that cared about that kind of thing. Lucky of her, she wasn't. The second thing Layla noticed was that most of the front lawn was varying levels of blasted apart, on fire, or occupied by unconscious students. There were some groggy ones milling about, too, mumbling about breakfast. Really, it'd be more like brunch at this time of day, but who was counting. [color=a187be]"Hey!"[/color], she shouted to everyone in general as she dismounted, [color=a187be]"You guys, over there! What'd I miss? Whole damn place looks like a bomb went off!"[/color]