[@Shoryu Magami]I didn't stay worried for that long, with bad health and luck you've got a pair of nasty disadvantages left even if the curse is lifted. I mean, if you get too confident in your fireball-slinging we can always have you sneeze in the face of a dragon and watch the show from afar. [@Fetzen]Aah, there you are. Yeah, I've looked at the guy before and find him quite fitting for our small gathering. You may get his arse into the char-tab. Also, please describe the demon race as you see it a bit more. [quote=@Shoryu Magami]So, we've got a "Death Knight", a "Wizard" who is considered a traitor, and a "Demon". We're not exactly looking like the most orthodox heroic bunch, are we? To be fair, none of us seem to be legitimately evil (most of us are either good with bad publicity, or neutral, it seems), but for a role-play that's supposed to be based off of classical tropes, I find it a little ironic that there's not a single conventionally straightforward heroic character among us. Emmanuel seems to be the closest we've got. [/quote] Yeah, it's funny how things work out once the characters starts coming in. I was expecting the usual round of heroes as well, but this could be a lot of fun. I actually don't think that a regular "good guy" would suit the party as it looks now. I don't know if you've seen the "the gamers"-films, but we'd have to send the paladin away a lot I reckon. [@Ailyn Evensen] Aah, so this is the one I've heard the legends about. Welcome to the pit of bottomless despair and agony. With diversity in the group as motivation we already have a mage, if you go elf/archer the step from there to druid/witch is not a big leap which would allow you to do healing stuff as well as other nature-based... stuff, and things. However, no one said we can't double up on things, so go ahead and do what you do. If you decide that you don't want to heal then throw it out the window. [@Shoryu Magami] Yes, we are lacking both dwarves and elves as it looks right now. About them using magic, I feel that it is up to the creator of the race (in this game). If we stumble upon a dwarf squatting in a dusty corner of a tavern and the guy's pissed about being the only dwarf that can't do magic then the canon is that all dwarves (present company excluded) can do magic. I think we'll need some place to store and define the canon as the game goes on. I'll start with the first OOC-post, but if this takes off I might create a wiki.