Here's my guy: [b]Name:[/b] Baxxink Hagglepocket. [b]Title/Nickname:[/b] Often known as “That bastard who stole my money”, but it’s a bit long for a nickname. [b]Age:[/b] 36. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Race:[/b] Goblin. [b]Profession:[/b] Thief. [b]Trope/Archetype:[/b] [url=]The sneaky guy[/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=pic][img][/img][/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] Clothes - for wearing. Dagger - for stabbing. Short bow + quiver of arrows - for long distance stabbing. Fake beard - (special item) for camouflage. [b]Background:[/b] Baxxink was born into a goblin community like most goblins, and like most goblin communities it was violently destroyed by a troupe of adventurers that passed by looking for treasure. As one of few survivors Baxxink had to use his natural gifts of stealth and agility to fill his stomach and set out on the path he’s been on until now. [b]Pros: [/b] Stealthy - can move silently and stick to the shadows very well. Quick and agile - clawed fingers (and toes), low weight, long limbs and a greater range of movement compared to humans means that Baxxink has a lot of options for movement. Cunning - not clever, smart or intelligent, Baxxink’s mind is focused on finding and exploiting weaknesses. [b]Cons: [/b] Soft - doesn’t wear a lot of padding, things will hurt. Hated race - have you ever heard someone say “Oh, please come in mister Goblin, how nice to meet you, would you like some pie?” Didn’t think so. Remember, no magic - goblins are magically retarded. [b]Other:[/b] Things will go missing around Baxxink. [hider=On Goblins, by Sir Geoffrey Snivelbottom, excerpt from The Complete Compendium of Threats] Goblins are by far the most unimportant so called “threat” to the kingdom that I could ever imagine. They are far beneath humans on all accounts and to even classify them as sentient is an insult to the higher species. Mentally they are easier to compare with rats than humans. No intelligence, most can’t read or write and their language capabilities are almost zero if you don’t count the screeching noises they make when they’re hungry. Physically they can be compared to a child. Standing fully erect they may reach a grown man somewhere between the navel and chest, but with not even half of the girth. Indeed one has many times wondered if they are not only skin and bone. Their limbs are elongated as are their ears and noses and their skin is green much like orchs. Their fingers and toes end in claws, but much like the goblins themselves these are small and insignificant, their only use seems to be in aiding the goblin when climbing. Wild goblins gather in communities, either out in the wilderness or inside ruins and other abandoned structures. They gather valuable (revise) items which is why groups of adventurous people willingly keep the goblin count down. The goblin society is hundreds, if not thousands of years behind our own, they have only barely mastered the art of farming, no craftsmanship to speak of and no written language. Even the goblins that have managed to sneak into our cities prefer to live in the sewers like rats, which is why most larger cities have elimination crews that goes below once a month to clear them out. How are they a threat? As mentioned, they really are not. Not to the civilised world at least. Their fragile bodies cannot stand up to punishment or exert great force. They don’t wear armour and tend to prefer smaller weapons like daggers instead of more capable weaponry. Indeed, the only area where they surpass humanity lies in their animalistic instincts and movements, they are quick and can squeeze through a hole as tiny as their head. But as long as they are cornered or trapped even a group of goblins should not be a threat to human soldiers. Goblins are really only a threat to unprepared travellers and small farming communities that are based too far from the outposts. As soon as armed and trained people are around the goblins are no longer a threat. Beards: Goblins are incapable of growing beards, which makes it odd that we tend to find false beards made of straw, fur or actual stolen facial hair around their communities. Perhaps it has some form of ritual importance. According to my researchers many of the beards are well worn, like they’ve been used almost daily for some time, yet no one has ever seen a goblin wearing one of these fur masks. Perhaps they wear them to make fun of dwarves.[/hider]